/* SITE */ Last update: 05 Apr 2024 11:27 (Mountain) Standards: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Markdown, XML, Plaintext Components: Normalize.css, Humans.txt, Ko-fi Donation Widget, Boxicons (self-hosted), Skeleton (deprecated) Doctype: HTML5 Minified: Partially (planned to be fully minified by spring 2024) Fonts Used: 1980 (primary font), Merriweather, Playfair, Lato, Perfect DOS VGA 437, Pixel Arial 11, DPComic, Crimson Text, Alegreya, Nova Mono /* AUTHOR */ Name: Stef Site: ksbp.space Contact: see index page @ ksbp.space /* CONTENT */ Primary Contributor: Stef Media: Webpages, Text, Images, Animated GIFs, Audio, Video, Browser Games, Downloadable Games, WebGL Publisher: KSBP Most recent content: 05 Apr 2024 00:00 (Mountain) Earliest archived content: 21 Dec 2002 11:38 (Central) /* SOFTWARE USED */ Web and Text: - Notepad++ - Vim - Emacs - draw.io - dilinger.io - stackedit.io - Focuswriter - LibreOffice - AbiWord - Notepad - Neocities Editor (site source only) - Typora (not used since 2022) - OpenOffice (not used since 2011) - Microsoft Office (not used since 2006) Audio: - FL Studio - Audacity - Mixxx - QasarBeach - Bosca Ceoil - OpenMPT - MilkyTracker - Ardour - MusE - Hydrogen - Ribs - GarageBand (rarely used since 2019) - Logic Pro (rarely used since 2015) - Scream Tracker (rarely used since 2012) - ACID Pro (not used since 2007) - Anvil Studio (not used since 2004) Graphics and Video: - GIMP - Shotcut - Blockbench - Blender - MagicaVoxel - JPixel - Grafx2 - jsPaint - PabloDraw - Electric Zine Maker - Sweet Home 3D - draw.io - Adobe Photoshop (not used since 2013) - Adobe Illustrator (not used since 2013) - Adobe Flash (not used since 2010) - Deluxe Paint II Enhanced (rarely used since 2008) Operating Systems: - Windows 10 - Arch Linux - FreeBSD - OpenBSD - Peppermint OS (rarely used since 2023) - Ubuntu/Lubuntu (rarely used since 2023) - Linux Lite (rarely used since 2022) - iOS (rarely used after 2020) - Raspberry Pi OS (rarely used since 2021) - FreeDOS (mostly via virtual machine) - Haiku (only via virtual machine, rarely used) - AROS (only via virtual machine, rarely used) - Mac OS X/macOS (rarely used since 2019) - Windows 7 (not used since 2020) - Chrome/Chromium OS (not used since 2015) - Windows XP (only via virtual machine after 2010) - Windows 98 (only via virtual machine after 2007) - MS-DOS (only via DOSBox/virtual machine after 2007) - Classic Mac OS 9 (only via virtual machine after 2005) - Windows 95 (only via virtual machine after 2005) /* LICENSING */ Page Source: BSD 3-Clause License (opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) Blog: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives License (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 - creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0) Zine: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike License (CC-BY-SA 4.0 - creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) and/or Free Art License (artlibre.org) Graphics, Video, Audio, Games, and Apps: Varies by work. Please check specific license information listed at the bottom of the page where the work is listed. All are released under free licenses. However, most of the works featured in these categories are published under licenses that have explicit attribution, sharealike, and/or anti-DRM clauses. Some works may also have explicit noncommercial and/or no derivatives clauses. Any person or entity that uses, cites, or adapts works published by KSBP (and has the financial means) is highly encouraged to help financially support KSBP - ko-fi.com/stefksbp License Info: Creative Commons Licenses - creativecommons.org/about/cclicenses; Free Art License - artlibre.org; BSD & Other Open Source Licenses - opensource.org/licenses; WTFPL 2.1 - ksbp.space/license/wtfpl2.txt (HTTPS mirror) NFT and Cryptocurrency Notice: All works featured on this site and any derivatives of these works are strictly and explicitly prohibited from use for the minting and/or sale of Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Furthermore, all works featured here and any derivatives of these works are strictly and explicitly prohibited from being sold for any form of cryptocurrency. Commercial AI Service Notice: A license must be purchased for use of KSBP works in AI or machine learning services or applications for commercial and/or academic use. Pricing is sliding scale, and is decided on a case-by-case basis. Noncommercial personal use is permitted for works not released under non-derivative licenses, but the attribution and/or sharealike clauses still apply when sharing the work. /* EXTERNAL LINKS */ Bandcamp: ksbp.bandcamp.com (also listed as subdomain music.ksbp.space) Itchio: ksbp.itch.io Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/stefksbp Bluesky: bsky.app/profile/stefksbp.bsky.social